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Crushed Limestone Dust

We supply Crushed Limestone Dust, available from our Ardley and Burford quarries. These materials are suitable for cable ducting, reconstituted stone manufacture, agricultural lime for soil improvement. The main application is for agricultural purposes, for neutralising acidic soils.

If you would like our UKCA information for this product, please email or call us on 01869 331281.


This product is ideal hardcore, trench fill, back fill, capping layer, embankment, construction and oversite fill.

Ordering & Delivery:

This product can be delivered in bulk loads. For more information or to request a quotation please submit an enquiry or call us on 01869 331281.

Product Details:

Product: Dust stone - 3mm

Usage: Approx 2.1 Tonnes per cubic metre

Source: Ardley/Burford

Material: 0/4 Gf 85

Description: Crushed Limestone

Specification: BS EN 13242